Name: Hawk (but mostly referred to as Hawkeye)
Meaning: Hawk (for his excellent eyesight and hunting capabilities). "eye" was added onto the end of his name by his fellow members of the outsider group that is at odds with the Atari due to his scar.
Nickname(s): Hawkeye
Rank: Outsider; ex-Claw of the Crown, ex-Trapper
Gender: tomcat (male)
Orientation: straight
Voice Claim:
Creation Date: 06/11/2024
Description: a lithe, stone-gray tabby tom with deep blue, almost purple eyes; blind in left eye with long, thin scar running down his face.

Residence: Outsider group; formerly Atari
Initiates: (1 former, NPC)
Father: [Deceased, NPC]
Mother: [Deceased, NPC]
Siblings: [Deceased, NPC] - former Crown
Other: Saturn - his brother's daughter. Current Crown
Mate: N/A
Young (kits):
Crush(es): ...
Friends/Allies: small mountain group; six other cats remaining
Role Models:
Positive Relationships:
Neutral Relationships: RiverClan (still deciding how he entirely feels on them)
Negative Relationships: The Atari (exiled from their ranks)
Active Purrks:

Positive Traits: Wise, calm, collected, agile, fit, capable
Neutral Traits: Stoic, cautious, slow to act
Negative Traits: Distant, hardened, a bit of a pessimist
Hawkeye (known as just Hawk, formerly) grew up in the Atari, as loyal as they come. As an Initiate, he quickly showed himself to be incredibly witty, agile, and nimble — the traits of an excellent Trapper. He excelled in his role, earning respect among his group as he worked.At some point, his brother (a former Claw) was made Crown. He elected Hawk to be his Claw of the Crown, trusting no one more than his beloved brother. The two were a formidable duo, ensuring the Atari thrived in their mountain home. Everything was going great for Hawk, being a respected and honored member of the cats he loved so well. He truly fit his namesake, having sharp, keen eyesight and an impressive natural ability to hunt well.That is... until everything changed.Call it a tragedy, a classic tale of trust and betrayal; whatever happened (he doesn't talk about it much), Hawk was blamed for things far beyond his control, doubted by events that never happened from his paws. His brother didn't believe him, even after all they'd been through together. In a fit of rage, the Crown slashed through Hawk's left eye, creating a clean scar that permanently blinded him on that side. But the Crown couldn't find it in himself to kill his brother; he still loved him, despite believing Hawk was truly a traitor. So he exiled him, warning Hawk that if he ever returned... he wouldn't be met with mercy again.Stumbling off into the mountains alone, Hawk survived many cold days and nights on his own, recovering from his injuries. Many nights he wondered how he wasn't dead, and if he should be. Outcasted from his home, his entire life, he wandered aimlessly for moons, simply surviving by his iron will.One day, he stumbled into an outsider group that lived in the mountains. He found acceptance among their ranks, even if they were wary of him at first with the old Claw of the Crown mark forever etched into his shoulder. Here, he was nicknamed Hawkeye, something of a lighthearted jab at his scar while also commenting on the still-keen eyesight he held in his remaining eye.As the group was dwindled by attacks from the Atari, Hawkeye found himself in more of a leading position among them, his experience as the Claw of the Crown making him a natural choice to step up. Despite that, he tends to enjoy hanging back, being more of an observer than anything nowadays. Now, with tensions stirring up again and the mysterious arrival of this new group of cats from the forest, he has no idea what might happen — only that he needs to hold onto what little dignity he and his group have left, their last hope for survival.Even if it means swallowing his pride and putting his trust in these newcomers... whoever they may be.